November Meeting: 6:30 Social Time 7:00 Meeting Speaker: Laurel Bill “Aunt Phil’s Trunk”
Sylvia Rylander will be performing with her Hand Bells in the atrium of Loussac Library.
September Chapter Meeting 6:30 pm Social time 7:00 Meeting Speaker: Laural Bill author of the “Aunt Phil’s Trunk” series Donations: School supplies will be collected Host: Susan Schnering Location: TBD
Our President General, Denise VanBuren will be in Juneau on May 27 and 28, 2021.
10:00 Business Meeting, Vote for new board DAR Jeopardy Game!
10:00 Annual Business Meeting – Elect Delegates, Finalize annual reports, 12:00 Virtual Salad Potluck.
2:00 Dr. Travis Rector – Professor – Department of Physics & Astronomy, Click here to learn more about Dr. Rector 3:00 Social with your own tea/coffee and cookies
Naturalization Ceremonies are always wonderfully patriotic and inspiring.
Refreshments and social start at 6:30 p.m., business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Our speaker is State Regent, Lael Marlow.