The Daughters of the American Revolution honors our ancestors who took great risks to form this nation. Their bravery gave us the gift of democracy. The Daughters of the Colonel John Mitchell Chapter, NSDAR, honor our heritage. We are “One in a Million” because of our Patriots.
John Arnold
Stephen Arnold
Cornelius Atkinson
George Bagby
Robert Baker
William Baker
Francis Barnard
Lawrence Bathhurst
Dewalt Beaver
Joel Beers
David Bemis
Abisha Bingham
James Bishop
Benjamin Bonham
Matthew Bradley
John Breese Jr
Martin Bringman
Josiah Brown
Robert Burnett
Thomas Burns
James Campbell
Thomas Carpenter
Benjamin Clark
John Cleveland
Terence Connor
James Cortright
Robert Craig
Jacob Cristman
William Dixon
Josiah Rogers Dodge
William Dorton
Azariah Doty
John Easter
Nathan Ellis
Enoch Enlow
John Evans
Nathaniel Ewing
Patrick Ewing
Alexander Ferguson
William Francis
George Perkins
John Friend
Henry Fry
Jacob Funk
William Garrard
Frederick Geiger
Michael Gilbert
Thomas Gilbert
Casper Galtfelder
William Guthrie
Andrea Hagenbuch
Henry Hagenbuch
Jacob Haldeman Sr
Benjamin Harding Sr
Joseph Harding
Luke Haselwood
Jacob Heavenor
Charles Hedrick
Caleb Heptinstall
Daniel Hess
James Hibbs
Lebbeus Hills
Abraham Hinkle
Isaac Hite
Richard B Hooper
Hugh Hughes
Cyrus Kinney
Johann Adam Kyle
James Laird
Aaron Lewis
William Lewis
David Lewis
Forbes Little
Thomas Littler
George Longenberger
Charles Martin
Thomas Mays
William Mcbride
George Mefford
Philip Mertz
Elisha Miner
James Scarborough
Edward Morrison
Obadiah Morse Sr
George Murphy
Eleazer Paine
Ephraim Parker
William Perley
Christian Petrie
Moses Potter
Joseph Prior
James Riggs
Isaac Robinson
Simeon Rockefeller
John Rorebaugh
John Shaffer
John Shelby Sr
Balser Shellhorn
John Shellhorn
Adriel Simmons
Andrew Skidmore
Christopher Smith
William Smith
George Steele
Daniel Stringer
Abram Sutphen
Flower Swift
Daniel Taylor
James Tenney
Josiah Tenney Sr
William Thomas Jr
William Thomas Sr
William Tunstall
Kerenhappuch Norman Turner
Gideon Van Auken
Antoine Verdel
Jacob Weatherholt
Charles Webb Sr
Galen White
Joshua Wright
Cornelius Wynkoop
Katherine Cole Gaylord
John Overlin
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