Details To Be Determined
Memorial Day Flag Placement
Alaska State Conference Hosted by the Inside Passage Chapter Held in Juneau
May Meeting: First Presbyterian Church 10th and G Street on Park Strip New Members Tea, Installation of Officers and Recognition of Years of Service Please bring: Finger food
April Meeting: 6:30 Social 7:00 Meeting Speaker: Scott Gruhn – “American Ingenuity and a Free and Informed Market vs Climate Change” Mr Gruhn is a structural engineer with BBFM here in Anchorage. Donations: Baby supplies for Veterans
March Meeting: 6:30 Annual Youth Awards Ceremony
February Meeting: Speaker Charles Pannone – “Obituaries and Finding Ancestors” Catered Lunch Donations: Coast, gloves, hats for children at Clare House
January Meeting: Annual Meeting – Salad Potluck Chapter Master Report Election of delegates to State Conference and Continental Congress
Cookie Exchange at Sylvia Rylander’s Home 1440 K. St. Corner of 15th & K Street CONTACT: Sylvia Rylander 907-277-7548 2:00 – 4:00 Bring a dozen cookies to share Donations: Toys for Tots collection